Wednesday, 18 May 2016


he loves animals
the kookaburra personalities
the whimsical cats
the playful dogs
in fact
anything that breathes
(and is non-human)
softens the crunchy sparks
so near the surface

traffic snarls
slow traffic lights
traffic dreamers
supermarket dawdlers
bring out the bite
the vicious bite

he is obsessed with documentaries
(mainly wildlife Attenborough style)
but also ones that explore
the gruesome... 
the unsolved murders
the accidents
the up close and personal worlds of
forensic pathologists

he used to love dancing
a master of moves...
now he just thinks about it
with the odd spurt here and there
when the beat kicks him

he's weathered
but the glint of humour
never stops...
one crack leads to another

on another side

he ambles the less travelled byways
if the weather's fine
and he's in the mood

 deep down
in quiet times
he feels the winds of the universe
he hears 
the words

he could be a tree
always listening

Linking to;
dVerse - Poetics - Character Study


brudberg said...

He sounds like a wonderful acquaintance, I am a traveler through documentaries myself so i can understand that part very well.

Grace said...

Sounds like I will like him as I also love documentary by Attenborough, suspense & thriller movies and tv series & dancing ~ I specially like your description of him as a tree, always listening ~ Thanks Gemma for joining in ~

Walter J. Wojtanik said...

A vivid depiction. I love the tree analogy - always listening. We should all be trees! This place needs more listeners! Nicely rendered, Gemma!

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Such a heartfelt tribute!
Beautifully penned.

Lots of love,

Katie Mia Frederick said...

Flesh grows
stronger.. hair cuts..
Nails trim
sKin sags..
greys hair..
more a
friEnd iN SonG oF
BaLaNCinG DancE..
SpiRit fireS iNside..
ouTside.. aBove..
so beLow..
all aRound..
as lonG as thaT
flAMe FiRes noW
LoVe LiFe LiVes..
TrUth iN liGht..;)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

He sounds like my dream man. LOL. I love this character study especially "He could be a tree, listening / always listening. I just watched yet another truckload of old growth being trucked away. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Arcadia Maria said...

I like reading this poem a lot. Such emotions in every line

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